Dear Family,
Hey there! How is everyone?? Thanks for the letters and packages you have been sending! And Merry Christmas!!!! :) I can’t believe that it is already Christmas again... So weird. It feels like just yesterday was last Christmas! I don’t know where the whole year went. But I am happy to be able to share the message of Christ’s birth as a missionary during this time of year! It is amazing to see how much the life of an individual can change because of our Saviors life. I love being able to invite people to make changes in their lives to be able to be more like Christ and use his atonement. So yeah.
Well these past couple of weeks have been nuts. We have been taking time to plan meetings for the mission ahead for the next year or so…. So just some calendaring things and working on meetings that are this month. We had a Leadership Training with all the Zone Leaders, Sister Training Leaders, and District Leaders. It was a cool meeting. We talked about how to help individual companionships work toward and achieve their goals. Just increasing a little bit every transfer. We aren’t asking for impractical things, but as we just set our goals a little bit higher than before we will be able to see some great things happen in this mission. So it was a good meeting. Right afterward we had a meeting with all the newly called leaders and talked to them about their roles to lift, inspire, bless and help the missionaries in their districts and zones.
The other day we had 4 new missionaries come to our mission! The MTC just told us a week or two ago that they were sending them to us in the middle of the transfer. So we had a mini transfer with all the trainers involved and had a couple trainings. It was a fun day. I love being with new missionaries! They are so eager to work and to help people. Full of fire. It helps me remember what I wanted to do when I came out and just puts all of this into perspective. I feel so blessed to be able to serve and serve with the missionaries in the Utah Salt Lake City Mission.
As a fun test the other night my companion asked if I could name or write down the names of all of the missionaries in our mission without looking at anything. So I got out a piece of paper and started writing by zone. It took me about an hour to do it, but I remembered all 216 missionaries and where they are serving. I don’t think that I could quite tell you the names of each stake (there are 67) but I could probably get a little over half. It is so cool to see how the Lord has been able to help me and enlarge my memory and mind to be able to remember all of these missionaries and areas and housing and cars and just everything! I am not sure that I told you this but when President Hansen called me and we were talking and he asked me to serve the missionaries with him he gave me a blessing. He blessed me with exactly what I have seen happen. An increase in mind, understanding and memory to help serve these missionaries and that I would have all the necessary means to do so. I feel so blessed to see the Lord work in my life and help me to be able to bless others. I truly love this work.
Well I will email again on Monday and probably tell you when I am going to want to call (or skype / google hangout) on Christmas. I hope you are all being blessed during this time of year and have opportunities to share the gospel with your friends! I also hope and pray that you are all travelling safely in the weather!!
Thanks again for everything. I love and miss you all! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!! :)
-Elder Hansen
Peak The Strategy.
He's back!!!
HE'S BACK!!!!!
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Hello! These past few weeks have been pretty good! Thank you Paula and
Brian for the package! We already ate all the cookies, they were
delicious!! I shared them with some of the office staff, my companion,
and President Hansen. He said to tell you that they were great! ha ha
Also Mom I got the two packages for Christmas but I haven't opened them
yet because I think I will wait till either Christmas day or a little
earlier. I appreciate all of you for emailing me and sending me letters
and things. They always seem to come at the right time. When things
aren't going so well or our missionaries are doing not the smartest
things and it is frustrating - that is when I receive your emails and
letters and it really helps, so thanks!
So. Its been forever since I wrote last... Thanksgiving
was great! We ate at President and Sister Hansen's house. Some other
elders joined us. President bought a Foosball table and put it
downstairs in the mission home so we played a lot of Foosball and just
talked and had a good time. Then the rest of the evening we worked on
transfers... We finished everything up early this time and everything
went pretty well! I am still with Elder Williams in our same area. It
has been hard lately. We haven't had as much time to work as we would
like to and then when we do it is hard to find anyone home. We set up
appointments with new people and they just keep cancelling. And with
finals coming up our work is going to be almost halted..... but we are
still working with some people like Marlen, Justin, Gio, and some
others! The Lord is blessing us for the work we do and I am so grateful
for that.
Anyways, we have been running around giving
trainings and working with President on where this mission is headed.
It is an exciting time!! I feel sooo lucky to be serving at this time
when we are defining how the work is moved forward at an accelerated
pace in our mission and what our goals and plans are as a mission (all
of this relating to hastening the work of salvation). I am learning so
much and having such a good time. I love all of our missionaries (even
when they do stupid things... :) ha ha) We have very powerful, strong,
converted missionaries that uplift and inspire others and are true
disciples of Christ. I love this work and I love my mission.
I will just talk about yesterday for a bit then I
have to go. In the morning we went to the Wells YSA ward and we both
spoke and my companion did a phenomenal musical number "The First Noel"
on the piano. It was so good. Almost everyone was crying by the end.
He is so talented. And I don't think that he realizes that not
everyone can just do that! Especially with no music in front of him and
just pretty much making it up as he goes! It was so good. Then we
left there and went to the Capitol Hill YSA ward and did the same thing!
My talk was better in this ward than the first. It was awesome. Then
we split up and my companion went to the Cannon YSA ward and I stayed in
Capitol Hill and taught Elders Quorum. Did a lesson with the video
clip of Elder Ballard at conference and his invitation to invite one
before Christmas. It was cool. Handed out a note card to each of them
and had them write their name and phone number on the front and on the
back write the names of 2 non-members they know and 2 less-actives that
they know. Then circle the one that you want to invite before Christmas
and on the bottom write the invitation you will give them. We
brainstormed invitations that they could leave. I think it was an okay
lesson. I got a little "up in their faces" to get the point through to
them that an apostle/prophet of God had invited them / asked them to do
this and that we need to apply it now. No more waiting around saying
that we will do it sometime in the future. No more only praying that we
can apply it and then not taking the action required to apply the
principle and doctrine in our lives. So ya. That was fun. Then taught
a girl named Erika about the gospel. She is great. She is an active
member but never really knew much about the church so we are teaching
her and she is asking all sorts of cool questions. For example she
asked us a lot about the second coming yesterday and we had a great
conversation about it. But yeah, then guess who I saw at the Institute
building??? Aaron Young!!! It was so crazy to see him! It has been
like 4 years! He is awesome as usual. He is in a different ward that
attends in that building. So ya. That was a fun side note! Then we
went to the Christmas devotional at the conference center with Marlen
and her friend Laurel! We didnt have tickets but since it was so cold
and snowy there were not very many people there so they just gave us
tickets and let us go in! It was so good!!!! Very cool devotional! If
you didnt get to watch it you should! The music was exceptional as
always and the speakers were very good as well. Then some members of
the Cannon ward brought us some dinner at the office. It was delicious!
Then we went to President's house and worked for the remainder of the
evening. It was a long, but great day.
Well that is about all that I have time to write. I
love you all soo much!!!! I miss you and hope and pray that everything
goes well with you this week! I hope you know how much I care even
thought my writing is so sporadic.
Have a wonderful week!
-Elder Hansen
Peak the Strategy
Mom and Dad I am doing great. I feel good and am no longer sore at
all. I feel better and we were able to get all our stuff and most of it
is handled. So yeah. Love you!!!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Elder Bednar!
Dear Family,
I am sorry it has taken so long to
write! We have been pretty busy. I started this email about a week ago, but
things kept coming up so I am just finishing it now. First off, thank you for your letters and
emails. I will try to take some time to
reply individually. I love reading about
what is going on with all of you! It
gives brightness to my days especially when they are not the best days. So
thanks again :)
There is so much to talk
about! I guess I should start with the
most important event. Last time I emailed I was letting you know that Elder Bednar
was coming. Now it has been about two
weeks! So I’ll start by talking about
Elder Bednar. We did a lot to prepare
for this meeting. You would not believe
how hard it was to make sure the building would be ready. We reserved it 5 weeks before and called the
stake presidency to let them know we would be using it. We didn’t tell them who was coming so that
nobody else would show up and to minimize the gossip. So it was reserved. We went into the chapel 2 weeks before and
all the pews were being redone!! We
frantically called them and were like, “Hey we have a very important meeting on
Friday, will it be done??” They said yes and we went to the church building on
Sunday just to make sure. All of the
seats were finished and everything looked great. We were relieved. Little did we know what would happen on
Tuesday night when we went to recheck the number of rows and what zones should
sit where. We open the doors to the
chapel on Tuesday night and all of the huge speakers in the ceiling (which is
like 30 feet up) are on the ground, there is a big ladder going to the organ
pipes, all of the audio ports are taken out, etc………….. I just felt this sinking sensation……. An apostle was coming to visit our mission
and we would have to change the building location 2-3 days before???? You just don’t do that when an apostle
comes. Sure if it was a different
visitor who is more able to adapt and has more time to spend with us, but not
when Elder Bednar is coming to the mission! Anyways, we were more than a little
frantic. Called the stake presidency and
they were like, “oh well that construction and replacement of the audio system
has been scheduled for a long time!” But
we had scheduled the whole building (literally) for this event and now they
were telling us that this was already in the plans?! Ha ha so we called the FM group man who is in
charge of the Salt Lake City general area and informed him of who was actually
coming to this meeting and why it was so important. At first he says, “Well maybe you can do it
in a different building? One of these buildings close by might be big
enough!” We were like “What???” He then
said, “Let me work on some things and see what I can do...” We were even more frantic at this point. He called back 3 hours later and let us know
that they hired an extra crew to get all of the work done by Friday. It was still nerve racking, but it was
finished. The last worker finished at
9:30pm on Thursday night! We cleaned the chapel up afterward and checked all
the microphones and got everything ready.
Meanwhile throughout the whole process I was mostly worried about
conducting the meeting! ha ha I was a
tad stressed. But really overall
everything went great!! :)
We got there early on Friday to prepare. Set up microphones, reviewed the talks again,
made sure all the missionaries were coming and sitting in the right places, reserved
parking spots for Elder Bednar and the Mission Presideny, etc. I was still very
nervous to be conducting. Then at about
8:30 President and Sister Hansen, President and Sister Bennett, and President
and Sister Hodson (Mission Presidency), Elder Williams and myself were standing
in the foyer waiting. A white car pulls
up and Elder Bednar jumps out and opens the door for his wife. It was raining so Elder Williams went and
opened an umbrella for them and Elder Bednar told him to put it over his
wife. They walked up and I am holding
the door for them. Elder Bednar shakes
my hand and says, “Elder Hansen, where are you from?” I say Denver, Colorado. He says, “No, nobody is actually from Denver!
You must be from right around there.” I say you are right, I am from
Louisville. He says “That is terrific.” It
was so cool, as soon as I shook his hand I felt all the nervousness leave and I
just felt calm! I appreciate what the spirit can do for us in our times of
need. Then we all went into the relief
society room briefly (Elder and Sister Bednar, the Mission Presidency, and
Elder Williams and I). The first thing
he says is, “Alright, we are here! I
only have one question for you. What can
we do to help?” He asked President first
and President answers by saying something like, “I wouldn’t dare infringe on
the revelation and inspiration that you have and will receive, but here is what
we have been doing and talking about.” He went on to describe a couple of
things that the mission was working on.
Then Elder Bednar looks at the rest of us and asks again what they can
do to help. He looks over at Elder
Williams and I and we are just standing there smiling thinking about how crazy
it is that there is an apostle standing with us. Elder Bednar then said, “Don’t just stand
there and smile, tell me what this mission needs!” We were both a little shocked and gave some
answers that probably sounded lame but we told him that whatever he could teach
about the atonement would help our mission and I said something about learning
to teach by the spirit. Then Elder
Bednar asked his wife if she was ready. She said yes and he used this phrase;
“Alright, let’s go to church!” We walked
into the chapel and every missionary stood up. It was silent. The spirit was so strong. Elder Bednar is truly called of God. We get to the stand and I was sitting right
next to Elder Bednar. On his left
side. We sit down and he asks me, “Are
you ready?” I said yes and again he said
“Alright, let’s go to church!” (What a
funny phrase, I wonder if a lot of people know that he says that? He might not say it a lot, but he said it 2
or 3 times with us so I think it might be something he says regularly. Just a
funny side-note). Conducting the meeting
went well. I felt pretty good and it all
went smoothly. I had practiced a bit and
so I don’t think I messed anything up too badly. He told me I did a good job when I sat
down. Then Sister Bednar spoke
first. She talked about her husband’s
apostolic calling and what she had learned because of it. She also talked about the Book of Mormon and
about the atonement. It was
powerful! Then Elder Bednar spoke. Wow………..
It was soo cool. I will never
forget this experience. I know I have
talked a lot about the temporal side of what happened, but I will never forget
the feelings that I felt that day and the impressions I received. It was amazing. He told us not to write down everything that
is said but to write in your “small plates.”
Meaning to write only the impressions that come as they pertain to
spiritual and precious things. Then he
asked us what we had learned from his 3 talks that he asked us to read in
preparation for the meeting. Elder
Williams and I were running around passing microphones to everyone who was
called on to answer. It was a great
discussion! Over time it turned into a
question/answer session. We all were
taught, but not necessarily from what Elder Bednar had said, but from what the
spirit had impressed upon us. And that
all was predicated on our personal preparation.
It was such a cool experience. He
taught us how to learn by the spirit and by so doing taught us how to better
teach by the spirit. Helping us get out of
the way sometimes and let the Lord teach our investigators through the Holy Ghost. It was a terrific blessing. I loved every minute of it. And it felt
really fast as well! He shared some
experiences and so did Sister Bednar. It
was a special meeting, and I believe that what we learned was determined by how
we prepared. For this meeting everyone
prepared really well and we were able to learn some truly amazing things and
hear some great things from an apostle that I don’t think he would have said if
we were not ready to be taught. I was
impressed with our missionaries. They
were and are very good! So yeah. A
couple things that I learned personally were how to ask inspired questions and
let the spirit teach our investigators more.
I also learned a lot about faith and moral agency. What an awesome opportunity. I don’t think that I will ever get that
opportunity again. I so grateful for it
and I will never forget the spirit I felt when he was with us.
a lot of other things have been going on! Working
hard in our area and it is starting to pick up (I know I said that last
but we have even more potentials and a few more new investigators we are
starting to teach). We have had some great experiences with a girl named
(its pronounced Marleen). She was a referral from temple square and we
been teaching her. She is progressing
well. The only problem is that she went to missionary farewells for the
past 2
weeks in different wards so she still hasn’t come to the ward. She is
going to come this week though! And we will meet her brother who is
interested as well. It is different
working in a YSA stake. Usually in other
parts of the mission if you work harder, contact more, and teach better
baptisms come in some proportion to what you have been doing. In YSA it
seems like you can work and work
and work and still not see success and then when you do see success it
seems to
have no correlation to the work you have been doing or the people you
working with. It is just a blessing
dropped out of the sky. Marlin was one
of those blessings. We were working
hard, but nothing was coming from our work or from anyone we were
working with and then one day a text from temple square and we are
working with
someone who has a desire to progress!
Im not complaining though! I feel
blessed when we see miracles and success in our area especially because
of the
little time that we have to work in it.
days and weeks are starting to blend together so I am
trying to remember what I told you in the last email… Well I don’t have
much time left anyway so I
will just tell you a funny experience that happened while leaving church
other day. We were walking out of the U
of U institute building after Capitol Hill ward and we were kind of in a
rush. We were walking quickly to our car
and there was a man standing next to his car parked next to us. I
glanced at him and thought wow he looks
familiar…. Then I looked again and realized who it was! President
Clayton from the Presidency of the
Seventy! We shook his hand and talked
for a minute. The reason it was hard to
recognize him was because he was wearing a sweater / sweatshirt zip up
thing over
his white shirt and tie! He explained
that he had just gotten back from Logan and that he was going to a YSA
quickly but he had to make a few phone calls first. It was pretty
random, but sweet! That is the second time on my mission that I
have met him and talked to him. He is
really good.
Well I am about out of time for now. I think I will send this and another email
soon. I love you all! As for myself, I got sick for a couple of
days but now I am fine! Always tired,
but what’s new. I love the work and I
love being a missionary. There is no
experience quite like it. I hope all of
you are feeling well and travelling safely for the holidays!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!! We will be only about 25
minutes apart when you are at Paula and Brian’s house! Love and miss you.
-Elder Hansen
Peak The Strategy
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Dear Family,
I am sorry I haven’t written for a bit. We have some really great things going
on. The work in our area is finally
starting to pick up a little! We are
seeing some good miracles and some new people come out of the woodwork. I am so grateful when we see success in our
area. All I want is to be an example to
these missionaries and help them to see what they can achieve in their
areas. We sometimes tend to think that
we can do that through trainings and meetings and all this stuff, but honestly
I think that it mostly comes down to hitting the pavement, being the example,
and literally showing them what they can do to see more success. We are focusing on doing more exchanges over
the next couple weeks to try to help some of the zone leaders and district leaders
see how they can approach the work differently to see more success. Or maybe
not even a different approach, but just to be practiced and ready to act and be
led by the spirit. That is something
that I am focusing on right now.
Anyways, life here is great! :) I am so happy and grateful
to be a missionary at this specific time.
So much good is happening. The
Lord truly is hastening his work! And I
get a front row seat and an active role in fulfilling the Lord’s will…. There
is nothing like being a missionary. I
never want to stop being one.
Well I cannot take too much time right now because we have
other important things to get done very quickly. So I want to summarize some of what has been
happening briefly.
First I will start with the not so great things…. A
couple elders have gone home since I last
wrote… It is sad. Most have gone home for medical reasons which
are really hard. But even harder is that
a couple went home for either plain not wanting to work or
disobedience. It has been really rough to see. I wanted so badly for
these elders to succeed
out here and to feel good about the service they have given, but some of
don’t. And others I don’t even feel good
about them going home…… So yeah. That has been one of the hardest
lately and one of the saddest. I just
hope and pray that it doesn’t happen as much from now on, and that these
still see the blessings of the gospel in their lives and remain
active in the church.
Other than that the rest of these last two weeks have been
terrific! Working hard on the upcoming
mission events and transfers. Speaking
of mission events, let me tell you one that we have known about for a little
while but couldn’t tell anyone until Monday.
have a whole mission meeting on Friday of this week (two days from
now) and we are having a guest speaker come.
Guess who it is???
Elder David A. Bednar!!! He is
coming for 3 hours to talk to us and it seems like it will be a
session! Isn’t that exciting?!?! The story goes that President Hansen
Elder Bednar on a somewhat personal level and at the MTC when President
was there Elder Bednar came up to him and said, “Hey, you know that I
like to
go around and get in front of missionaries.
I would love to come to your mission sometime to talk to your
missionaries, just let me know.” Ha ha
isn’t that sweet?? So they have been in
communication for a while and decided to have it on Friday. We have
known for a while, but couldn’t tell
anyone so that people wouldn’t get overly excited and tell all the
members and
start inviting everyone they know to come.
It is only for our missionaries.
I am so excited!!! There is only
one thing…. I might be conducting the
meeting………….. Remember how I was nervous
about conducting for Elder Clarke?? Ha ha yeah…….. I am more than
nervous for this time. But I think it will be okay. As long as I have
it in front of me to refer
to and I practice it a lot before hand I think I will do alright. So
that is the biggest thing that is
happening. We have some other meetings
coming up but nothing quite as important as this.
Other than that we had stake conference for the Pioneer YSA
Stake! It was soo good. Elder Samuel Clark (area seventy / different
than Elder Don Clarke) came and he and his wife spoke. It was phenomenal. They had a really great stake choir as
well. Just a good time. Learned a lot. Then on Monday guess what we got to do??? Mom
you will be jealous! We went golfing!!! :)
First time I have golfed since we went for a quick round in Tooele. It was so fun. We went with President Hansen and 4 other
Elders. We played 9 holes at a course up
in Kaysville. I actually didn’t play too
badly. It was a beautiful day. On the first hole I hit it onto the collar in
two and a chip to about 12 feet away.
And a made the first putt! It
was so nice to relax for an hour or two.
I am so thankful that President took us out there. He is such a kind man. And he is great at
golf!! He has played all over the U.S.
He shot about 6 strokes lower than I did. So ya.
Well I realize that I haven’t talked enough about the actual
missionary experiences that we had so I will summarize one quickly.
We have been looking for someone new to teach for quite some
time now and it seemed like no matter what we did or how we asked or what
approach we took, we just could not find anyone new to meet with. So the other night we were walking through an
apartment complex trying to contact a couple investigators and I remembered
that when I served in Swahili that I taught a YSA age girl in a building just
around the corner. We decided to stop by
quickly to visit and she was home. We
talked for a couple seconds and she remembered who I was! (I thought she would
have forgotten since we only met a couple times.) It has been almost exactly one year since we
taught her and she was even more open to it this time. She is attending Westminster college and so
we invited her to church on Sunday with us there at the YSA. She said yes! And that she wants to make some more friends
up there. It was so cool to see that she
is prepared now to make a couple more steps toward the gospel and we will be
there to help her along the way. The
Lord really showed me that people can become more prepared over time and that
these people that I used to teach that didn’t progress may now be ready to make
commitments. It was a nice small miracle
for us to see. We are going to teach her
and I am confident that we can help her come into the gospel soon.
Alright, I have taken a little more time than
planned. I just had a lot to say I suppose. And I haven’t written for a
while and I
probably won’t have time to write for a little longer. But anyways,
I love you all so much!!
Thank you for everything. I
appreciate your thoughts and prayers and the emails and letters that you
send. They really uplift me and help me
continue to work my hardest. I will try
to be better at responding to emails and letters.
Have an exceptional week!!
-Elder Hansen
Peak The Strategy
P.S. Mom I got the
package! Thank you soooo much!!!! The journal is perfect and the snacks are
great! We needed those. Since we are
never home we never buy groceries… So it
is nice to have little snacks around so that we can eat if we feel like
it. So thanks!! Love you all.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Hello Family!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Happy (late) Halloween!!!!!! I
hope that your night was filled with fun and with hot chocolate and donuts as
usual. :)
Thank you for all that you are doing for me and the
and letters you send. They make my days even better! We have been
having a crazy time lately. Just running around from thing to thing
trying to help people along the way as well as help our area and the
wards we
cover be more involved in the missionary effort. It is great though. I
mean exceptional!
Side note – I don’t know if I had mentioned this yet, but
when Elder Clarke of the seventy came to our mission tour he would always ask
how we were doing and we would say “good!” and he would say “NO! You are doing
exceptional! Not just good.” Ha ha so
now when I ask missionaries how they are doing and they say “good” I usually
say, “Are you sure?” “I think Elder
Clarke thinks otherwise!” They have started to catch on and now everyone in the
mission says that they are “Exceptional!”
Just something cool. :)
So. Over the last
week we have seen some great miracles.
We have an investigator that came to church with her recent convert
friend and they came for all three hours.
Not only that, but we had been praying in the car right before church
that someone would show up that we wouldn’t know but that would need our
or listen to the lessons or something.
Halfway through Sunday school our recent convert and investigator friend
lean over to us and tell us that they have to leave for a couple minutes
to go
get another friend for sacrament meeting!
So our prayers were answered!!
All three of them came for sacrament.
And listen to what we did. (Elder
Clarke gave us this advice in a meeting a week or two ago.) In our last
lesson with the investigator we
went around the church looking at the paintings and describing what was
on in each one and asking questions about them.
At the end we went into the chapel and brought her to the very front row
and sat down and talked to her about the difference between sitting
there and
sitting in the back of the chapel and how much better she could feel the
and receive revelation and answers to questions up front in the first
row. We committed her to sit there on the very
first row on Sunday. I thought she was
going to say no, but she actually liked the idea and agreed! So for our
next step we called the bishop and
let him know that they would be sitting on the front row and to look for
and asked him to greet them right before.
Then we asked who was speaking in the ward that day and asked if he
would mind if we could ask them to do us a favor. He said sure.
So we called up both speakers and asked them if when they were bearing
their testimonies at the end of their talks they would look at our
and make eye contact as they said part of their testimony! It was pretty
epic. And it worked! The one returned missionary said as he looked
over at her, “I learned on my mission that the Book of Mormon was
true.” It was awesome. And then to add to all of it, the other
speaker came down from the stand afterward and invited all three of them
dinner that evening!! What a great ward! It was cool to see how we
could make things
work out even better by making a couple simple changes. Instead of
sitting in the back, take them to
the front row and contacting the speakers beforehand. Both were ideas
from Elder Clarke. So ya.
That was a great experience.
Hmmmm, oh! Then right after that
we went to a different ward and our recent convert Edwin asked me to
ordain him
and give him the priesthood!! It was awesome.
Such a great spirit as he received the power to act in the name of our
Father in Heaven. I will never forget
things like that.
We also taught a Relief Society lesson on Sunday. It went well.
They all are pumped to do missionary work and invite their friends!
Took some missionaries to the airport that were going to
France! They got their visas and left on
Monday. It was cool. They have only been here for six weeks and
they have learned a lot already. These
young missionaries are getting smarter and smarter every day! Word.
Prepared a training for one of our Mission Leader Councils.
It actually went pretty well! I learned a lot from just preparing it. I was a little nervous though…. Oh well.
Then we had some trouble with some missionaries. They were just doing stupid things. Nothing too horrible, but still very
disobedient and just ridiculous. But
President Hansen is amazing. He always knows how to handle things and help
others become better. We have seen a lot
of missionaries change because of what he has done! It is good to see the success in helping
missionaries see their potential and do better.
It is a good feeling.
Then Halloween yesterday!
It was pretty awesome. We got to
go to the Bountiful Temple in the morning.
Finally got to see the new film.
I think it is phenomenal!! I was
very impressed with what they have done with it. So yeah.
And I love the Bountiful Temple. The Celestial room there is soo
great. So then after that we had some
sushi for lunch. Then went to the
office, worked on some things. Then
played ping pong for a bit. My new companion has played in competitive
tournament table tennis. So yeah…. He is really good! I never beat him,
but its all good. Then I got a quick haircut and then home to
plan out next week. We couldn’t go out last night because of our rules
here. So we did our weekly planning and
got some things done for upcoming meetings in the mission, next transfer
and information that new leaders should know, etc. I am really tired
though. We haven’t slept as much as I wish we
would. But its okay, the Lord is
sustaining us. He is keeping us
going. He has really helped to keep my
mind clear and helped me remember all these missionaries way better than
could before. There are 214 missionaries in our mission right now. They
are all EXCEPTIONAL!! :) So
that pretty much sums it up. I love
being a missionary. I love all of you
so much and I miss you! I know this work
is real and full of miracles that we see every day. There is one more
miracle that I should share
that I just remembered about. So we were
going to contact a referral, on the way we contacted a man outside and
asked if
he knew anyone YSA age around the area.
He told us of a couple places, then on our way to this door my companion
started jogging over to try to help a young couple bring in groceries
from the
car. They declined, but we asked them
the same question and they gave us a door to go to. My companion was
rushing so we went to the
wrong door, or so we thought. We talked
to this man who is married, but he isn’t LDS. He has cleaned up his life
seems to be looking for a new direction to take! Golden.
We set up an appointment and sent the other Elders to teach him. Then
after we were done I told my companion
that we had gone to the “wrong” door and so we knocked on the other one
and it
was a couple guys with long hair (dreadlocks.)
My companion recognized one of them from his home in Houston! It was
We went in and talked to him and got to get his information so that we
can help him come back to church. So yeah.
All because we were trying to talk to a lot of people and trying to give
service. What a blessing to us.
Okay. I love
you!!!!! God loves you!
Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.
The church is true!
-Elder Hansen
Peak The Strategy
Friday, October 25, 2013
Dear Family,
I am sorry that I have become so inconsistent in writing
you. I need to make sure that I write at
least one thing each week to you. I will
just have to make most of my emails shorter!
Thank you sooo much for your emails and letters. I appreciate them. I am horrible at responding, but I hope you
know that I am thankful for everything you write and that I do read them and am
anxious to know about everything that is happening out there! So thank you!
I love and miss all of you a ton.
Okay. Well this might
be another long email…… ha ha oh well.
I’ll talk briefly about what we have been doing for the past couple of
Well after conference we had the opportunity to be involved
in a stake priesthood leadership meeting up in Kaysville. The whole mission presidency came! President
Hansen and his councilors, President Bennett, and President Hodson (both
previous mission presidents) and Executive Secretary Brother Craven…. And us…
ha ha it was pretty cool. Had a planning
meeting first with just their stake presidency and then had the meeting a
couple of days later. It was a powerful
meeting. We all learned some very simple
and specific ways that we can share the gospel and be missionaries. It was great!
The next week was spent mostly in preparation for our
Mission Tour on October 15th, 16th, and 17th. We had to get together everything that would
be used, reserve buildings, get materials, learn how to officially conduct
meetings, put together some slides in a powerpoint about where we are as a
mission and where we are headed. Used
key indicators to see where we needed improvement, etc. etc. So there was a lot of preparation for it,
but wow. It was amazing! Elder Clarke of the First Quorum of the
Seventy came all 3 days and helped us.
He trained us for about 6 hours each day. I learned so much. I think I already talked about him in my last
email, but I just wanted to mention again how great it was. His perspective on missionary work is so
clear and defined. So straight forward
and helpful. I learned how to be a
better representative of the Savior. At
the end of each day every missionary would fill out a card with 5 things that
they will change because of what they learned today. I made one both days, and there was so much
more I wanted to put on the list, but it was good to have a simple game plan of
what to do to change after receiving so much guidance and revelation while we
were there. So cool. I love missionary
work. So yeah. I conducted on Wednesday. I was nervous, but everything ran
smoothly. I learned a bit about
conducting meetings as well. Word.
We also had 2 baptisms since I last wrote! The first was a young girl names Ani from
Armania! She was very prepared. It only took us a couple of weeks to teach
and then she got baptized! I love when
it works out well like this and when I can see their conversion and that they
are being sincere. Ani definitely is. Then a man named Edwin from Kenya was
baptized! He was also very
prepared. The bishop tipped us off and
the missionaries a couple of months ago started teaching him. And then when he was ready he got
baptized! I have a picture from one or
both. I’ll send them with this email.
What else happened…..
Well I will write more later, but I figure that I will get this out to you all now and I can send more later.
Love you!!!!
-Elder Hansen
Peak The Strategy
P.S. I will send the pictures soon! Just don't have time at the moment. Sorry!
Friday, October 11, 2013
General Conference!
my wonderful family! I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to email
you all! We have just been so busy around here that we hardly even have
chances to “catch our breath.”
First off, thank you
for all the emails and letters! I truly appreciate the time you take to
write. These letters and emails make me so happy because I get to hear
about how and what you are all doing!! So ya. Thanks!
Okay, I had to go back
and reread my last email to see where I left off.... ha ha.
Soo. A lot has
happened since I emailed last. One of the coolest things was a meeting we
had with Elder Clarke of the Seventy. It was just Elder Logan and I,
President and Sister Hansen, and Elder Clarke. It was supposed to be an
hour and a half meeting about our mission tour coming up and plans for it.
It turned into three and a half hours of Elder Clarke teaching us about
everything! :) It was soo cool. Elder Clarke took the time to talk to us
about not only the mission, missionary work, how to help our mission
specifically, etc.... but career advice, jobs, business, marriage, life in
general, and principles that will bless us for years to come if we learn them
now. It was amazing. Literally changed my life. I am so grateful
for the time he took to do this. He didn't have to, but he saw that we
could benefit from learning personally from his knowledge and so he gave us the
opportunity to learn. I took some pretty good notes, but even more
important than what I wrote is the feeling that I had as Elder Clarke spoke
personally with us. It was so powerful. Even from the very moment that we
got there we could feel such an incredible spirit that accompanies this man. It
was something I will never forget. It was awesome to meet such a devoted
servant of our Savior Jesus Christ. It showed me how to become more
consecrated and truly serve the Lord with everything I've got to offer.
Not just 100%, more like 200%. Working both diligently and
effectively every hour, even every minute that we have. I have come to
the realization that if I learn to do this, I will be a much stronger and/or
sharper tool in the Lord's hands in achieving all He wants me to. I wondered
recently how President Hansen and other church leaders do it. How they manage
to get everything done and be so diligent and effective and find so much joy
while working so hard and having no time to even "catch their
breath". Now I am starting to understand. I believe that most, if
not all of these men have mastered the principles of complete diligence and
effectiveness that Elder Clarke showed us through his devotion to the Lord and
his work and the spirit he carries with him. It is now one of my goals to
get closer to mastering this principle while on my mission. It is something
that I know will lead me and help me in every aspect of my life. Isn't it
cool that I could learn such a great lesson through the spirit when hardly
anything was actually said about this topic in our discussion with Elder
Clarke? I have also seen that this pattern is how I usually receive personal
revelation. The gospel is such a blessing to us. I don't know what
I would do without it.
Anyway, sorry for
rambling on so much about that! It was just one of the coolest experiences!
I felt like sharing it with you because it was so powerful for me.
So much more has
happened... Between working on the upcoming transfers, planning for mission
tour, having like 6 meetings/trainings to work on and lay out. We had
Mission Leader Council. Leadership Training. Another Mission Leader
Council. District Meetings and Zone Meetings around the mission. All this
while trying to stay on top of the plans for the Mission Tour with Elder Clarke
and Transfers. Oh! and General Conference!!! Its been a little ridiculous. Im looking through my journal now and I will
pull out things that happened that were awesome.
One thing was a YSA
Fireside. Guess who was there?! Elder Ballard! It was awesome. He spoke about inviting
friends to come back to institute and church.
He also talked about a cool experience he had talking to some leaders of
other churches. Basically at the end of
the experience he said that one of the leaders asked “How is it that your young
people are so motivated to go out and serve missions, or pay tithing, or go to
the temple, or serve in other ways?? What makes them give up all the worldly
things for the values of your church?”
Elder Ballard’s response was clear and straight forward. He said, “The
reason why members of our church are willing to pay tithing and give up
everything in order to serve is because they know the doctrine of our church is
true.” So straight forward
and so true. It is the same reason that
our church is in good standing and growing at a rapid pace. The same reason
that our members are willing to do anything to move this work forward. The same
reason we have +80,000 missionaries. It is because they know it is true. It is the true doctrine of God and Jesus
Christ. Our church has the full truth. The
restoration of all things. The fullness
of the gospel. Elder Ballard then
invited every YSA ward member in all these YSA stakes to “go and find the one”.
To each invite one person to come back to institute and church by the end of
this year. It was awesome. I am so excited for this challenge. It will help this work move forward a lot
faster. Sorry for rambling again. This was another one of the great experiences
we have had in the past weeks.
I said in my last
email that I was worried for President and Sister Hansen to leave for the
mission presidents seminar…. Yeah. The
same thing happened as last time they left… Missionaries did some stupid
things. We had to try to figure out how
to deal with certain problems and try to help while he was away. Luckily we could still contact him on the
phone every night. But yeah. When they got back we were soo relieved. It was so good to see them. :)
Saw some great
miracles with our investigators over the last couple of weeks! Some awesome lessons and good
experiences. I love teaching about
Christ and His gospel. I wish I could just do that for my entire life and not
have to do anything else… ha ha I still will, but I’ll have other things to do
when I get back as well. Had some
experiences with random people coming up to us that wanted a quick tour of
temple square and there were no sisters around so we showed them places and
taught them about the restoration. They
were nonmembers from New York just passing through. They only had a couple minutes, but they were
so prepared! We taught and bore
testimony and invited them to read the Book of Mormon and meet with
missionaries when they got back home.
They said yes! I feel confident that they will join the church. Anyway,
as we were leaving temple square that night some protestors talked to us. They just wanted to argue and stuff, but my
companion knows one of them and so he talked with him for a bit. While they
were talking the anti-mormon man said, “Why is it that people don’t want to
talk with me??” As he was saying this, a
lady walked up to me and introduced herself and said she was from Ogden and
that she would like to meet with the missionaries! So I got the referral right there in front of
him and my companion told the man, “The reason people don’t come up to you and
want to talk to you is because you do not bring a message of hope. You do not preach the happiness that comes
from living God’s commandments and being with our families eternally.” My companion pointed to the temple and said
some quick things. The man seemed a
little shocked, but still didn’t seem to accept what we had said. Maybe one day he will. Just another cool experience to show that
this gospel is true and that there are people looking for it! (Even in Salt
Lake City, Utah.)
On another completely
unrelated note, our mission got 14 new cars these past couple weeks. We have been picking them up from the garage
under the church office building and driving them back to the mission office. They are brand new 2014 Chevy Cruzes……
They’ve got a turbo in them… Ha ha they are pretty sweet! It is funny, I would never have thought that
I would drive such a nice, brand new (27 miles on it) car on a full-time
mission for the church! But its
good. The church resells their cars
after 50,000 miles and gets a lot back.
Its cool to see how well the church operates and how good it is
financially. Like what we learned in the
talk by Elder Bednar in Conference!
Hmmm, what else….
Oh! Random cool
thing. I got my haircut from a $6 place
up 400S and about 1100E. The man who cut
my hair mentioned as he started, “I just cut Elder Oak’s hair only a couple of
minutes ago! You just missed him.” I was
like, “wooaaahh… ha ha I am getting my haircut from the same man who just cut
an apostles hair” (yes, I was over reacting a bit.) Then my companion pointed
out, “Im pretty sure Elder Oaks has hardly any hair…..” ha ha! But yeah. That’s my claim to fame this
Alright, other than
that we just worked a lot with President Hansen. With the increase in missionaries we are
getting another 29 missionaries in our mission this upcoming transfer. That puts us at 43 in June, 35 in July, 37 in
September, and now another 29 in October…….. We split missions in July and have
opened up at least 15 new areas every transfer since… It has been
complicated. So most of the work we have
been doing is opening areas, trying to find housing, looking at who will train
these new missionaries (side note -> probably about 70% of our missionaries
are training right now.) So yeah. Its a bit complicated. But the Lord is helping us to see what needs
to happen. It is awesome to receive
inspiration after seeking for some time about specific areas and people and so
forth. Its not always easy, and it
doesn’t always come quickly, but it comes.
Okay last thing to
talk about. (I don’t think I am missing anything else major and this email is
insanely long.)
:) It was sooo amazing. We got to go to 2 sessions in the conference
center. We brought a recent convert and
her friend who is investigating the church the first time. And the
second time we brought an
investigator who moved here from Armenia named Ani. The spirit worked
on all of these
people. We also got tickets for 5 of 6
more investigators and they went with friends from the wards. It was
such a good conference! So much spiritual upliftment. So bold and
strong, but loving and
understanding. It was one of the best I
have listened to. I felt so much
inspiration and love coming from our general authorities. It just adds
to my testimony of living
prophets and apostles today. Some of my
favorite talks were; the one about Exclamation Points! , Elder Hollands
Elder Bednars talk, Elder Ballards, Elder Oaks, Elder Dube, President
Elder Uchtdorfs and Elder Eyrings. That
turned into a long list...They were all amazing. This conference seemed
to go
so fast for me. We look forward to it so
much and then only a couple hours and its over again! Ha ha but yeah. I
saw some people I knew there. I saw Wade, Bailey, and Keagan
Smallwood! I saw some past missionaries
from our mission including Sister Winn (our last mission presidents
wife/mission mom.) I think I saw a few
others too, but in the craziness I have forgotten a bit. But ya, this
weekend was the best. I learned so much! I have so much to improve
on and so much to do, but through the power of Christ’s atonement I can
have strength
and do all that He asks of me.
Well Im sorry that
this email is a little boring…and incredibly scattered. No pictures either! I need to start taking some more. My bad……
hopefully this will brighten your day and please remember that I love
you all and miss you all very much!!!
The church is
God lives and loves
ALL of his children.
Jesus Christ is our
Savior and Redeemer.
Thomas S. Monson is
the true, living prophet on the earth today to guide us and help us gain
eternal life with our families.
Love you all again!!
-Elder Hansen
Peak the Strategy
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Moving Forward
Hey family! I am sorry that I haven't written in a while. We have been
very busy. It is hard to gather all my thoughts and let you know what
has been going on over the last 2 weeks, but I'll do my best.
Peak The Strategy
So on Monday the 2nd of September President Hansen called us at about 7:30pm
and told us that he needed to talk to us in person and that he wanted
us to come down to the mission home immediately. We were kinda freaking
out. Ha ha, just thinking why he wanted to talk to us. We thought it
was because a Sister missionary in our zone was going home or because
some Elders in our district were doing something disobedient outside of
the mission. We drove down to the mission home and President Hansen
called me in to be interviewed. When we get in the office he just
started asking about the zone and other things so I thought it was just
about one of the things I said earlier, but then he just put it out
there straight up, "Elder Hansen, I want to call you to be one of my
assistants...." I was like.... "uhhhhhhh..." ha ha.
We talked a lot more and he told me about what the plan was, what
was changing in the mission, transfers, and a lot of other things. Then
he said, "so go home and pack your things because tomorrow
you will be with Elder Logan and Elder Hansen (the current assistants)!
So we went back to Farmington.... I packed all night and got ready..
Didn't really sleep. and at the mission leader council at 8:00am
the next morning I was with Elder Logan and Hansen. So I got to be
with both of them until transfers. I got to learn a ton from both of
them, but I still wish I had more time to learn from them.
Then the next couple days after that we had mission meetings where
we presented the new mission vision. It was awesome. I had to conduct
one of the meetings. Its a different feeling to conduct a meeting in
front of half the mission. Side note -> We have a mission tour in
October and Elder Clarke of the Seventy will be there and President says
that both myself and Elder Logan will most likely be conducting those
meetings... no pressure... ha ha
Mostly we have been working on transfers. Our
area is the YSA in the Pioneer Stake. But we used to cover the whole
stake. It split 3 ways at transfers and so now we only cover 4 YSA
wards. Its good though. A lot of work. A lot of people to teach! :)
It is interesting working with people that are the same age as you.
Teaching them is pretty awesome because you can explain things in depth
pretty well, but still simple so that they can understand. So yeah.
Its going to be great.
Then transfer week happened. Busiest week of my life. Well maybe. But yeah. Got everything done for transfers on Monday morning. We created 3 new zones in the mission. We had 35 new missionaries come in on Wednesday.
We had 7 missionaries leave. We drove a big 12 passenger van all over
the place. I drove it most of the time. It was huge and somewhat hard
to maneuver, but its all good. So the week was just crazy. I couldn't
even tell you everything that we did because I can't remember it all.
I know we didn't sleep much, but thats okay. People keep saying "you
can sleep when you are dead." I don't know how I feel about that. ha ha I
think I agree though. We still take care of ourselves and sleep some,
just not as much as other missionaries. So don't worry mom. ha ha
Anyways, there were a lot of errors in the transfer. Especially
with housing and with cars. It was horrible. We just don't have enough
cars! We have people with heart conditions and other major problems and
surgery and all this stuff and there just aren't enough cars. We have
had about 60-70 new missionaries come into the mission in the last 3
months and we have gotten 0 new cars! NONE! Its ridiculous. They
promised that we would have 20 new cars about 6 weeks ago, but they
still aren't ready. We think it is something to do with the General
Authorities coming in for conference. Anyway, enough of my complaining.
We tried to fix all the problems and worked out some things.
just seem to come up all the time. President Hansen went out to
Wendover this weekend for a district conference. As soon as he left,
problems with missionaries..... It was crazy. Its kind of scary
because he is going to a mission presidents seminar from Thursday
till Sunday this week and if we have the same thing happen as last time
he left we will be having a pretty rough weekend.... ha ha hopefully
all goes well.
We have been planning a lot of upcoming meetings.
We just had a short meeting this morning for Zone Leaders and Sister
Training Leaders. We need to get them on board and pumped and motivated
to baptize weekly and rescue (re-activate) weekly! So this meeting was
devoted to just that. It was very powerful. President Hansen is
amazing. So filled with the spirit. He committed us all to baptize and
rescue weekly, and to go out and find another companionship to follow
us and do the same. The time is now. Things are changing. The Lord
truly is hastening his work. This meeting was held at the Marriott city
center hotel in one of the big conference rooms there. There was a hot
breakfast provided and out cars were even parked for us. Valet
parking. It was way nice. It was good to emphasize the point of how
important this all is and that these missionaries MUST be committed to
their purpose and to accelerating this work in this mission now. It is
the Lord's vision for the mission. Being so close to President I have
already seen that he is always being led by the Lord and that every
direction that he tells us to take is because the Lord wants us to go
that way. Its awesome. What a great opportunity I have to learn from
such amazing leaders right here in Salt Lake City. Im so grateful for
I love being a missionary. I love the Lord. I love His work.
have to wrap this up now. By the way my companion is Elder Logan from
Tampa, Florida. He is such a solid missionary. He always knows what to
do and what to say. He has been an assistant for 4 and a half
transfers. Longest assistant to the President in a long time. I am so
happy for the opportunity to learn from him and try to do my best to
lift, inspire, encourage, and bless these missionaries. They are all so
good. I hope they will have the focus and blessing to see success in
baptizing and rescuing weekly. That is what most of my prayers are for
right now.
Also, I have been praying for you all especially you Mom and Dad
and Natalie! Please make sure to let me know that everything is okay
out there! All this flooding has been pretty scary to see. I hope you
are all doing alright and that the people out there will be able to
recover from this disaster.
Alright. That was the longest email I think I have
ever written. Sorry my thoughts were all over the place. I love you all
so much! I miss you!
The church is true.
God lives and He loves us.
Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.
Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.
-Elder Hansen
Saturday, September 14, 2013
It's kind of late
Hey there. :) Sorry for not emailing this week on Monday.
We have been incredibly busy and it just so happens that this is the
first time I have a spare moment to email. A little unconventional. But
I think you will see why. My new companion, while we were working on
finishing up some loose ends, told me that I needed to email right now.
So this is it. Try to find me on this attachment. It is a picture of
the transfer board. Hopefully it will answer some questions.
P.S. I may not be emailing on Mondays every week now, but you should still get an email once a week.
Love you all!!
-Elder Hansen
Peak The Strategy
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Charles Dohse's Baptism
Alright. I have very little time to write today because it is Labor day and we couldn't email at the library so we have to email at a family history center that is only open for a couple more minutes....
Anyway, this week was pretty good. We struggled to
find new people to teach, but we had a baptism. Charles Dohse was
baptized and confirmed. He is 16 years old. A lot of real intent to
know the truth. He is awesome. I'll try to send a picture of the
baptism. So that was great.
The rest of the week was pretty normal. Just
teaching, meetings, exchanges with a district leader. A lot of stuff
crammed into one week. I feel like there is still never enough time to
get everything done that we need to. But we are trying!
Sad part of the week. Another sister missionary in
our zone is going home for medical reasons... :( Its pretty lame. I am
really getting tired of seeing missionaries have to go home when they
really don't want to! This is like the 3rd one this transfer. Its
hard. I know the Lord will take care of them and that it is best for
them to be at home getting better, but its just hard to see them go. I
have come to feel love for everyone in the zone here just as I did in
Tooele and Wyoming. And seeing them struggle and have to end up going
home is one of the saddest experiences I have had as a missionary. But
I have no time left.
I love you all very much!
I miss you and hope that all is going well.
The church is true.
-Elder Hansen
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Alright. This week was nuts.. I have like no time to write today... We are pretty busy these days. I love it.
I wish I had more time to write and tell you about
everything that is going on, but it just isn't possible. The work is
moving forward. It is getting to the point where we never have enough
time. Yesterday was one of the busiest days of my life. We never
stopped. Spoke in a sacrament, had 3 confirmations at different times,
taught a youth lesson, went to a couple other wards to bear our
testimonies and to meet some nonmembers, had 3 correlation meetings with
all 3 stakes that we cover, grabbed a super quick dinner, taught a
couple lessons, set up another young man to be baptized this coming Thursday.
It has just been crazy, and yet the best time of my life. I can't
accurately express how much I love being a full-time missionary. A
disciple of Christ. It is by far the best experience I could have asked
for, and has helped me to grow in ways that I never could have
expected. The church is true.
Well this week we had 3 baptisms and confirmations.
was a family, The Orozco family. The Mom and Dad (David and Keli) got
baptized. They are amazing! So strong in faith! They are going to get
sealed in the temple and their children will learn and grow. Their son
who is only 7 already wants to serve a mission! So cool. :)
The other baptism was Christopher Miles. He is also so strong in
his faith. He knows and understands the gospel and already has a
testimony. I actually had the opportunity to confirm him. It was one
of the more powerful experiences on my mission. I could feel his family
specifically his father who was killed right after he was born and how
proud they are of him. Their family will be completed soon in the
temple. I love this church and this gospel. It is so amazing. I will
never leave it.
Alright. I will send some pictures. Love you all!
Thanks for the emails! Wish I could have responded to all of them.
-Elder Hansen
Peak The Strategy
Monday, August 19, 2013
Hello! Well I am going to make this pretty short because I want to
go play sports. I miss just playing for hours and hours. But we will
do it today. We go to a place called the Sportsplex in Kaysville. It
is free for missionaries and it is basically a whole gym place with an
indoor field and a trampoline park and all sorts of stuff. Im excited.
Anyway, This week was great. Had a leadership training on Tuesday.
Im seeing more and more what it takes to be a better leader. Im still
not very good at it, but I am trying. I feel so blessed to get to try
to help others especially missionaries in this work. It is awesome. So
We taught a lot of lessons this week. It was great. We took a
family down to temple square to have a lesson there with the sister
missionaries. We had a short tour there and looked at the temple and
explained to them what is done there and what blessings come from it.
The spirit was strong, and they recognized it and now they have a firm
goal to be sealed in the temple. They are preparing for baptism this coming Saturday the 24th. Also a young man named Christopher Miles is going to be baptized this Saturday!
He is awesome. Very smart and understands what the spirit feels like.
He is only 11 or 12 yrs old! Way cool. Their family is also looking
to be sealed together in the spring of next year. I love how this work
gets families pointed toward the temple. :)
Well, other than that we had a fire really close to
us. Just on the mountain in Farmington! I'll attach some pictures. It
was big. It took about a day to get it out. But no damage was done to
any homes. Also this week one of the sister missionaries in our zone
had to go home early for medical reasons. It was sad to see her go.
She is a great missionary and very nice to everyone around, but it is
better that she went home so that she could get better. She may try to
come back out soon.
Side note, I got to listen to Trevor Luke's homecoming
talk! It was very good. He is an awesome missionary! He has come out
to teach with us before and he brings a great spirit with him. So ya. I
also saw the Mannings there! And the Evans family! All families that
have moved here from Colorado. They said hi to you all back home.
Then today we got to go to the temple. :) I always
love those trips. Its so good to just be there and listen and feel so
Okay. Im going to keep it short. I love you all! Keep being awesome.
God lives and loves us.
Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.
The church is true.
-Elder Hansen
Peak the Strategy
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