He's back!!!

He's back!!!
HE'S BACK!!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Zone Conference

Hey!  How are you all doing?   I hear a lot of you were in South Jordan this past week slash weekend???  Sounds awesome.  Hope all is well with you guys, keep up the good work.
This week we had our first zone conference in the Salt Lake City Mission  . . .  It was loooooong . .  we got there at 8:30 am and left at 5:30 pm . . . .   It was a lot of training and stuff . .   .  This new mission is a lot different . .   its interesting to see the difference between the two missions just based on who the mission president is.  .  ..       .  there are a lot more random rules that dont make too much sense to me . .   but dont worry I am still obedient and am trying my hardest to do my best it just seems like in this mission the best isnt good enough. . .   They made a goal to baptize 3,500 people this year in the Salt Lake City mission.     meaning if every companionship baptizes once a week until the end of the year we will reach that goal . . .       But its just difficult.  We have tried really hard since getting to Farmington and we have only had two baptisms . . . . .   soo  It just makes it seem like our best effort isnt good enough ..       in all honesty, this mission just seems a little more prideful than the Ogden mission was . . .      like . .  I dunno just a bunch of little things make it seem that way . .  like in our training at zone conference the president said and I quote, "If you go to an appointment with a less-active member and don't come out of it with a referral then it was a waste of your time."    That sounds pretty harsh to me considering the worth of EVERY soul is great in the sight of God...  I understand what he was trying to say, that we should get a referral from anywhere/everywhere we can, but the way he said it was bad . . .   anyway, enough of me complaining about the new mission!

Well the week was actually very good! we taught quite a bit, helped a lot of people with random things and had a baptism on Saturday that counted on our records, then a baptism on Sunday that didnt count for us, but we taught her because her mom isnt a member and we are trying to get her baptized too!  So yeah . . Things are starting to pick up a little.  The Lord has started to bless us because of our efforts here.  I love just being a missionary out here.   It is just the best thing that I could do.  I love teaching and constantly learning more about this gospel and about how I can better bring souls unto Jesus Christ . . We have such a great, happy message to bring to everyone and I love being the one to tell people about it!  I am quite under-qualified though.   But the Lord helps us and strengthen us as we try our hardest . . thats for sure! 

Hmmmm . .well  . not much else to report!    OHH!  I just remembered dont send the letters to the mission office in Salt Lake!   They said they won't forward our mail to us . .   (Stupid right?  I dont even understand why . . . its really not that hard. . . .    pfffffff anyway)    Just send them to Farmington till the 25th and the day after I should get to email you if I am in a different area and give you the new address to send stuff to.   So I'll let you know when my address changes and mom you can put it on the blog err whatever so that other people like maybe some friends err someone can write me where Im at  . . .   If you send anything to the mission office its okay,  I just wont get it till the zone leaders go there to get it.  (We can't even pick up our own mail there . . . pfffffffffff)        

Well I think that is it for this week!   There was a parade in Farmington that we walked around and talked to tons of people and then we also saw some fireworks that night for this festival days thing.   It was sweet! 

Miss you guys!   Love you all.    Have an awesome week.
God lives and loves us.
Jesus Christ is our Savior.
The church is true.


-Elder Hansen

P.S. Here are some pictures of us at the two baptisms!

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