He's back!!!

He's back!!!
HE'S BACK!!!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mission Split!
Well its official!  As of yesterday, July 1st 2012,  I am serving in the Utah, Salt Lake mission.  So thats cool!   I don't feel any different . . .  Ha ha but I will meet the new mission president and his wife and the APs on Wednesday morning this week.  They are coming over to our apartment to meet us . . . I guess we should clean up . . ha . . But yeah. 

Well some of you may be wondering why I am emailing on Monday this week . . . Well it is because P-day for the Salt Lake mission is on Mondays. But the weird thing is that today isnt P-day for us.  We were just told to email today and then work the rest of the day and then Wednesday will be P-day because it is the 4th of July and so we have mission conference in Salt Lake that evening.   Its going to be a weird week, but after this week P-days will be Monday from now on.  So you can expect to get my emails on Mondays! (Meaning you can / should :) write me emails sometime during the week before the next Monday.)  Ha     But yeah . . . Not much more happened this week.  We worked hard . . . My comp Elder Miller has an infection in his leg and so we went to a PA in one of the wards and he said it was probably a staff infection and so he is on antibiotics and stuff. . . I hope he doesn't die.    Ehh im pretty sure he won't!
  Anyway . .  What else happened this week. . . .   We spoke at a Camp Helaman thing for young men about to go on missions in the next year err so.  It was good! We just bore our testimonies and I told them about what it would be like since I was just in their shoes like a month ago! Ha .  It was easy to relate to them and I hope they get something out of what happened to me and my experience thus far.  Well its pretty hard to believe but I have been out for 2 months today. . .  I just realized that when I looked down at the time on the computer and it said it was July 2nd..   thats crazy!!  Its going fast, but slow at the same time.  Its hard to explain, but I love it!  Its hard, but completely worth it.  I am glad for all these experiences that are somewhat difficult, but strengthen my testimony and help me become a better missionary.  Its good :) ha.
We also taught Primary again this Sunday and we taught the Young Men and Young Women in a different ward.   It was good! Its hard to believe that I am already out here teaching a lesson to these youth when I feel like it was just yesterday that I was there just a little deacon running around and having trouble paying attention to the lesson and stuff.  Ha ha  man,  time just keeps moving forward whether we notice it or not.  Anyway. . .
Not much else happened.   We have 4 appointments set up for tonight though so that should be awesome!  Im excited to teach!  Wordski. 
Well I gotta go.   but Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)  hope you all have a great time!  and I am sure I will be jealous of the barbeque you all will have!! :(  ha.  Thanks for all your letters and emails and stuff! It is much appreciated!  Paula Happy Belated Birthday! (Sorry I didnt write you or make you a card :(  but maybe I will this week if I get the chance.)    
Love you and miss you guys.
The church is true.

-Elder Hansen

Peak the Strategy!
p.s.  what is this I keep hearing about Jamie and some sort of job offer?? You should let me know Jamie! haha 


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